
30 March 2013

'Felt iPhone case' (or 'does your husband laugh at your craft projects?')

So I finally got a new phone just before Easter. And about time too as my poor 7 year old Nokia 'brick' kept turning itself off all the time and well it was a bit embarrassing to have it in public, even my 3 year old thought it was archaic.

One look at my shiny new phone told me it would not survive the rigours of my handbag like the trusty 'brick' could so I needed a cover.

I really wanted one of those crafty ones you can cross stitch a design on but I couldn't find one to fit my brand of phone (it's not an iphone as the title may suggest!)

So I thought a cute felt cover would be great so I whipped one up....

...I thought it was seriously cute and very functional (although I wish I had made it a slighter firmer fit for the phone).

Well hubby just about died laughing at it....a few of his utterances  between sniggers included...but why, what's the point, how impractical, who would have a cover like that etc you get the idea. After a few minutes of silence and my death stare he said ....oh don't get me wrong it is very well made and cute but I don't get it.

Anyway this is a conversation we have often about my crafting (he still can't get to grips with the hama bead thing!) and it got me thinking...

I would love to hear your stories....maybe we could set up a support group!!!!

Anyway enough of my babbling here is how I made my phone cover if you are intersted........

....I chose a gorgeous shade of blue felt from my collection and cut out 2 pieces. I just placed the phone on it and cut around it.

Then I thought it might need a double layer of felt so I decided to line my case with green....

...I cut these just slighter small in width (but not height) so that when I sewed the case togather the green wouldn't show at the sides.

Now for the decoration...... old favourite theme!

Then I started stitching it all on....
....I love this cute bunting!

And I had to include my old friend...
Then time to stitch it all together.....

....although you can't see it I have taken the front and a layer of the green and lined them up at the top and have blanket stitched along. When I got to the end I grabbed the other 2 back pieces......

...and basically flipped it over and carried on stitching along the top of the back like this ....
....then joined it to the other side at the end.

Then simply sewed around the rest of it with blanket stitch too...

Like I mentioned earlier I would have been better if was a snugger fit, but I am going to put a dome at the top just to stop the phone escaping!

Now I just need to get myself set up with Instagram!

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